The awful things these people (who in the context of the song may be dead, based on the nature of how most of them sing about how this c*nt had murdered them) list about the guy range from sleazy and douchebag-y to the comedically extreme and violent, like castration. There was this one line where a man recalls the time that this "c*nt" attempted to "castrate him, even though the knife/blade was blunt" Towards the end they all chant "he's a c*nt" over and over and it ends with this character saying "I'm a c*nt -)"

The tone was comedic and was sung like a musical number, with each character saying some line like "he shot me", "he stabbed me", etc. The song was about several people singing about how this one guy is "a c*nt" and singing about the horrible things he has done. I'm looking for a corny song that I vividly remember being used in a SFM animation with Team Fortress 2 characters. Ok I'm embarassed now but any older folk can help me figure this one out that would be awesome! holding the note I guess? Lol) then the whole chorusy-ooh part repeats. The last word that is sung is stretched (I don't really know what the musical term for it is. This repeats a lot towards the end of the song.

So here is an idea on what I think I'm hearing. I hear it at work where its noisy so trying to decipher the lyrics is hard. The song is almost disco-like maybe slightly rock'ish, a good beat to it, so I'm placing around the mid to lafe 70s and early 80s. Im turning off my phone like Im leaving (Bye) Pushed me to the edge, now its over. Its by a female singer, strong voice, not whiney etc. Whos laughing now Youll never see me blue, never bleeding. I don't know who sings it or what the song is even called.

Hopefully someone can help me figure out a song I have heard only a few times on a radio station called Magic which plays 50s, 60s, 70s and some 80s music.